Welcome to the Second Life Dressage Society!
SLDS has not existed in any real way for many years. But there's a lot of good material on this site for anyone interested in Second Life Silent or Flower Dressage.
This Website was built and is maintained (minimally) by FFF Stable Mistress Trina Varriale. Please contact her inworld anytime with comments, questions or suggestions!
Please read all the material below as past tense for it's historical value. Thanks!
The SL Dressage Society is an organization designed to promote Dressage training in Second Life Pony Play. Society members will come together for training in Silent Dressage and Flower Dressage and learn the arts of the Pony, the Trainer, and the Judge.
This group is open to everyone in SL Pony Play regardless of stable. Ponies, Trainers, Owners, and all interested parties are invited to join and participate. Once you’ve joined, please send a notecard to Zobo Shepherd and let her know if you are a Pony, a Trainer, or an Owner, or any combination of the three so she can issue the appropriate tags. More information will be made available after you join.
Any member of the Society may invite anyone to join.

This site was created by owners of avatars in the virtual world Second Life, who are solely responsible for its content. Second Life is a registered trademark of Linden Research Inc. Linden Research is not responsible for anything in this Website.